Saturday 16 November 2013

Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan was the one who never lost his joy at larning something new. As a boy he impressed his classmates, Senior students and teachers with his insight and intuition..

Oneday in an arithmetic class on division the teacher said that if three bannanas were given to three boys, each boy would get a banana ansd he generalised this idea . Then ramanujan asked "Sir,if no banana is distributed to no student will everyone will get a banana?".

In his school days , along with school homework ramanujan worked with some patterns out of his intrests..

Srinivasa aaiyangar Ramanujan is undoubtedly the most celebrated indian mathematics genius. He was born in a poor family at Erode in Tamilnasu on December 22,1887. Largely self tanght, he feated on "loney's trignometry" at the age of 13, and at the age of15, his senior friends gave him synopsis of elemantary results in pune and applied mathematics by george carr. He used to write his ideas and results on loose sheets. His filled notebooks are now famous as "Ramanujan's Frayed note books". Though he had no quality degree, the university of Madras granted him monthly scholarship of RS.75 in 1913. He had sent papers of 120 theorems and formulae to great mathematician G.H.Hardy. Hardy and others and presented numerical theories or numbers, which include circular method in number theory, algebra inequalities, elliptical functions etc. He was the second indian to be elected fellow of the royal soceity in 1918. He became first indian elected fellow of trinity college, cambridge. Due to tuberculosis he died in Madras onApril 26, 1920. Government of india recognised him and released a postal stamp and declared 2012 as "Year Of Mathematics" on the eve of his 125th birth anniversary.

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